I was an elder's wife.... I did not think of myself as "special" because of it. Personally, I did not enjoy the long hours my husband spent helping others, instead of "us"... or sitting at the K Hall, waiting for the committee meetings to end, with two little kids whinining, sleeping, waiting to go to bed.
I did like that my husband was 'spiritual', we both could 'explain' all the doctrines (haha, I mean we thought we could... remember 'type/ anti-type'? the heads of the beast? 2,520? times time and half a time [hated that one, still lived with it] , neither of us like hypocrisy, we helped people, were 'real'....
That being said, I am glad that he is no longer an elder, no longer a JW and we are both out. Like I said, we both hate hypocrisy.
The elders left in the hall that we left, years ago, are either:
1. Dedicated to God, but scared to think of any reality checks that would crush their bubble of life.
2. Just in a routine.....
3. Know something is wrong, but are hoping to see a dead loved one, and don't want to give that chance up... OR
4. Very into being "the top dog", wearing cool suits, telling people what to do, being admired, and getting letters from the top brass.